Battlefield 5 Crashes and Starts Cutscene Again

  1. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    Hello. Today i get appcrash just before mission start ( 3d ),when i click PRESS SPACE to skip scene movie part.

    Event viewer said:"display driver stopped responding and has recovered".

    This is exception code of crash:"0x887a0006 "

    Also in background have only gpuz and msi afterburner + rivatuner.

    My pc:
    9900K 5ghz 1.33v

    2x16GB DDR4 GSKILL 3000mhz XMP
    Corsair 850 RmX

    Rtx 2080 Ti Aorus Xtreme ( stock ,no oc )

    I am using the newest drivers.

    Also i tested Unigine Heaven ,3dmark firestrike and other games for hours and no crashes. Even Battlefield 5 running stable,just that one crash after movie part intro scene. Is my card unstable or?

  2. Hello Jimmy, this is a driver issue. What Nvidia driver version are you using?
  3. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    419.67 creator driver version. Its my driver actually. I left game running for 5 hours and no crashed. It happened in morning when i first run game and click SKIP CUTSCENE.
  4. Does it crash every time when you try to skip this cutscene, is it reproducable?
    You might consider switching to another driver version and see if the problem persist.

  5. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    Nah it happened once, , no reproducable
  6. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    So its not an issue with cpu voltage? I dont had any other issues . It once happened.
  7. Hey jimmy

    Well to be honest with you, if it only happens once, and it's only Battlefield, I would not worry about it. I had a crash as well last week with my current rig's iteration, and it's not running for long so there might still be culprits (I switched GPU and drivers, windows version, a couple of things that could have an impact). It was only one crash though, I could not reproduce it, so I personally would ignore it, at least until it happens again.

    I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, but it's not like Bugfield is free of issues, or that these days, a windows update couldn't produce such things. If I were you, I would not lose any sleep over it, rather game and enjoy your kick ass gaming rig ;)

  8. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    i reproduce this error by leaving game on idle few hours ( desktop ) and run again game and the the same scenario mission and it crashed in exact the same place when i click skip scene in loading intro.

    Second run fine again.

    Somebody from GF forum said:your cpu is probably not fully stable and tiny errors just built up till this eventuated.

    So he isnt right propably?

  9. dune2

    dune2 Ancient Guru

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    A lot of people have crashes in BF5 when running in Dx12 mode. Google for it and you get plenty of threads about it. Try running in Dx11 mode. If it stops crashing, Dx12 is the culprit.
  10. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    It crashed in exact the same place , when i click SKIP CUTSCENE just before mission loaded. WITHOUT CLICKING SKIP CUTSCENE it will not crash. So?

    Again when i run game second time, it will never crash . :)

    And somebody said this to me:"there isn't such a thing as a stable overclock, the entire premise of a cpu in its function is one of a temporal unstable state that works until it doesn't.


  11. If you put all hardware to stock, does the issue persist? If so it's not a overclocking problem, pretty simple to find out tbh.
    @dune2 is also right, you might always try dx11 / dx12 switching, unless you use RTX / DLSS.
  12. dx12 is only unstable on already unstable systems.


  13. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    Game running smooth no crashes. It just crash after i click SKIP CUTSCENE during loading chapter 3. On second run it never crash even when i click cutscene. I suspect some memory leak or driver issue? Anyway i tried newest drivers ( not creator one ) and problem resolved. It not crashed for the first time.
  14. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    Somebody said:"
    ts the cpu =_=

    do yourself a favour and take a trip to the EA forums and look at all the topics on it.

    Multithreaded frostbite engine is notorious for putting the driver into a bad state on unstable cpu's. "

    So if its the cpu why on updated drivers ( not creator one ) i dont have issue now?

  15. oh ftlog, just test at stock cpu clocks or give it some more voltage on core and mem controllers, theres a poster telling you they also had the issue in the thread you're quoting from.

  16. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    I updated drivers and issue resolved,no crash. So why somebody said about cpu fault?
  17. I've had this same "device hung" error as what you had in BFV while playing in DX12 with DXR. Much more frequent and reproducible when I OC either my 2080ti or my cpu (manually set or high PBO settings). I had also thought that it might have had something to do with with my system memory OC or with using DLSS, since tweaking both of those had produced this error while testing stability earlier this year. I'm still not convinced the CPU is the root issue or not. In my case I have a 2950x with PBO enabled on a custom loop that spikes to 4.4ghz. Also worth mentioning, other recent Frostbite games don't seem to crash with similar settings.

    I switched drivers a few times only to find that the problem would eventually happen again. Ultimately "fixed" the issue by not running an overclock on GPU core or memory and leaving DLSS turned off. BFV is the only game where I have had this issue consistently.

  18. jmmy23

    jmmy23 Master Guru

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    Yes but in my situation it was happening always after clicking PRESS SPACE TO SKIP CUTSCENE. Then map not loaded and bum..desktop crash. In game was never crash.

    So i updated drivers and clicking PRESS SPACE TO SKIP CUTSCENE working always fine no crashing. :)

    My gpu is on stock. Only 9900K oc to 5ghz

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